Frequently Asked Questions
  1. I like to print my own labels and want to qualify for automation discounts. Do you have an inexpensive way for me to do that? Yes! Our DIY electronic package is perfect for you. It CASS certifies your list, processes it thru NCOA and presorts it for automation discounts. We then produce PDF’s of all the documentation and the address labels and email it all to you. Prices start at $25.00 for up to 3,000 records.All you have to do is print them on your printer and put them on. Our easy to follow instructions are also included.

  2. What is the difference between First Class and Standard mail? You must have a permit for each class of mail you intend to use. Most First Class is delivered nationwide in 2-4 days. For Standard mail you should allow one to three weeks. Standard mail is approximately 10 cents per piece less than Presorted First Class. Standard mail requires a minimum of only 200 pieces. First Class pays by the ounce, Standard allows up to 3.3 oz before additional postage is added. First class is returned if undeliverable with an explanation why. Standard mail is thrown in the trash unless you pay for additional services.

  3. What format should my list be in? Your list should be in ASCII comma delimited. Most Data Base programs, such as Excel, have the ability to export in this way. You will usually find it where you save your data under “save as”.

  4. What is an indicia and what does it say? An indicia is simply a printed replacement for a postage stamp. It tells the Post Office what the class of mail is, where it is mailed from (city) and who mailed it (permit no.) It is usually printed at the same time as the rest of the mail piece so there is no additional cost for its printing.

  5. Can I mail out the extras using the permit indicia? You must cover the indicia with a stamp or postage machine imprint that is readable.

  6. How do I know what my postage will be? The presorting process also produces the applicable Postage Statement which tells you exactly what your postage will be.